Grilka Press

About Us

Grilka Press is a small two-person operation established in 2020. All printing is done by hand in our little shop in Portland, Oregon.

We sell goods online and in stores in the greater Portland area such as Speck's Records and Tapes, Landfill Rescue Unit Records and Ronald Records.

If you are looking to get something printed, reach out to us with your desired style, sizes, quantities and artwork (such as .psd, .pdf, .jpg, .ai, .svg, & .png ).

Artwork should be 300dpi and color separated. At this time, we are able to print up to 4 colors per location.

Have an idea but no design? We are also available for graphic design and layout help if needed.

We have a turn around time of two to three weeks.

We ask that you order a minimum of 25 pieces per design.

You will be charged an initial set up fee per screen. Set up fees are 50% off on any repeat orders.

We can ship if needed.